The Ninth International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources, ICMR2021 AKITA
Date: October 21Thu ― 22Fri, 2021
Venue: Online
Organizer: The Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan
Several members of our group attended and presented at the conference.
1. Kazumi Otake, Yonggu Kim, Humio Sasaki, Ryuji Nagoya, Yuuki Nagase, Kyouhei Sukou, Gjergj Dodbiba: New Kinetics Model for Estimating the Grade of Minerals in Froth Fraction after Flotation of Complex Materials
2. Diana Laura Gomez Sanchez and Gjergj Dodbiba: Synergistic Solvent Extraction of Critical Elements from PCBs
3. Tatsuya Shiozuka, Yonggu Kim, Yutaro Takaya and Gjergj Dodbiba: A Novel Method for Evaluating Mineral Libation by Combining the Results of SEM-EDX and XRD Analysis
4. Yonggu Kim and Gjergj Dodbiba: A novel flowsheet design for treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment by combining several physical separation models
5. Gjergj Dodbiba, Cheng-En Lee, Yonggu Kim, Toyohisa Fujita: Enrichment of Valuable Metals from Ferromanganese Cobalt-Rich Crust by Combining Enhanced Gravity Separation and Reverse Flotation
Best Poster Award
Congratulation to Diana L. Gomez Sanchez and Kazumi Otake, the recipients of the excellent poster award.
Very proud of them!